Anchorage Daily News from Anchorage, Alaska (2025)

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Anchorage Daily Newsi

Anchorage, Alaska

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Anchorage Daily News Monday April 1 1985 7 Boats Private 805 IN STOCK NOW Sea Sport 18 22 27 Boston Whaler 13 15 18 and 22 Grumman Canoes 15 19 Gregor Boats 12 20 Olympic 26 used Glasply 18 20 WHATS NEW? Skip Jack 25 Pilot A great new boat for the small charter operator C' Dory '22 Alaska Diesel Electric 1 2C0 Int'l Airport 562 2222 1983 inflateable Zed 1983 15 HP outboard SS Excellent con dition $1475both 562 5541 LARGE 18' Jon boat w50 HP Merc on trailer ront mount ed swivel seats steering $4500 Call 753 7268 after 6: 30pm MERCURY '80 85 HP out board motor Low hours Buy motor get boat trailer free $2000 345 6519 MIRRORCRAT Aluminum Boats 12' to 18' ARCTIC CRUISERS 346 2013 MUST SELL 1978 Bayliner Crown Victoria Sunbridge 2750 full galley head cabin heater 225 hp Volvo Penta CB VH compass canvas top trim tabs trailer $22000 OBO Call 344 9803 after 5 NEVER been used 135 hp Johnson outboard motor $3000 Call 563 8663 after 5 Joe NORTH Country Halibut Chart ers is taking applications for boats for lease for the 1985 fishing season Boat would be doing nigh volume business and must be available 7 days per week all summer Boat should be twin engine 28 31 ft long or more information please call 235 7620 In Homer OLYMPIC BOATS All in stock models are now ON SALE! Call Marine Services 235 8047 Homer OUTBOARD '83 Volvo Penta 25 hp 10 hours running time $1100 or best offer Ask for Paul at 337 1282 or 561 4180 OUTBOARDS Two Mercury 45 HP elec start with contol and 30 gallong gas tank $1500 all or trade 694 6468 evesweekends RIVERBOAT 20' 85 hp Merc wjet 54 gal fuel capacity trailer rear console $5500 344 1708 or 337 9552 RIVERBOAT Semi 22' Gregor welded alu minum twin 75 HP Johnsons walk through windshield loader trailer much more 1980 84 equipment $10000 344 3762 26' SABERCRAT cabin cruis er trailer ull canvas sleeps 6 bathroom stove ice box elec Very good cond $13500 Kenai 776 8291 SEAKING SS 1983 15 hp near new condition $750 Cali 349 3452 after 5 SEASPORT 22' 1983 Like new Only 75 hours running time 115 HP Johnson double axle trailer Sleeps 3 galley porta potty CB depth sounder trim tabs extra props ull canvas for cockpit $19800 344 7707 evenings weekends SEASWIRL Challenger '83 19' IO sleeps 4 full canvas top dual batteries Multi use boat in exc cond Complete trait er $11000 376 5582 376 3739 SEE The Shore Station Boat Hoist booth at Cottonwood Creek Mall Boat show Wasilla April 4 7 or call 333 6580 14' SEMI Valeo plus EZ load trailer and accessories $1200 694 5213 14' SEMI aluminum river boat 28 hp motor with jet unit Runs excellent $800 337 4078 SMOKERCRAT 1983 12'Z? ft with trailer $800 376 6133 SMOKERCRAT with 50 hp Johnson outboard $3500 OBO 274 2227 1979 Steelhead 14' Valeo river boat 2 tanks oars trailer no motor mere controls $1400 376 3315 after 6 1980 SUNLINER26' Sunbridge design cabin sleeps 4 galley head wfresh water VH Lor an depth sounder completely equipped ready to go many extras call for list $2000 below appraisal at $22750 Price in cludes all equipment tandem axle trailer Call Tony at 248 2249 THE TIMESHARE YACHT PROGRAM An alternative to boat owner ship Also accepting qualified power and sail yachts for in vestment opportunities Call us for brochures and more infor mation THE GOLDEN LEECE YACHT COMPANY 562 3929 24' TOLLYCRAT Mint cond new trailer VH CB DS trim tabs full canvas dingy 8 OMC $15500 negp 349 5590 TRAILERS Boat Inflatable Aluminum Steel ARCTIC CRUISERS 346 2013 1972 TurboCraft 17ft 65 HP Merc wtrailer $1500 OBO Call Call 376 8687 32 UNILITE SEDAN 1978 sport sedan fully equiped in new condition This great family boat sleeps 6 in comfort Slip in Seward goes with boat Asking $68500 or more infor mation call Rich at 345 7257 eves or 563 3731 days 2750 Victoria Bayliner 1980 leet 6 full head galley 250 Volvo Many Extras Like New $27000 349 5797 VOLVO 130 engine fresh water cooled in Homer $1200 272 1029 eves WE'VE GOT WHALERS Alaska Diesel Electric 1200 Int'l Airport 542 M12 ZODIAC ISHER Alum river boats Mariner OB motors jet drives custom tops trailers package deal Norm's Sport Rec 337 2744 ZODIAK MK III Volvo 60 hp trailer excellent condition $3150 243 1572 Boats Commercial 807 BALBOA Bristol Bay double ender 29' wnew Perkins en gine aluminum reel approxi mately 10 skates halibut gear (hooks anchors buoys) $10000 or trade for land or something of equal value 235 7894 16' Beck fiberglass seine skiff hd $2500ea 344 0574 or 248 3282 Kris 28' cedar plank boat 10' beam Displacement hull New unfin ished Appraised at $10000 Will sell for $6000 or trade on lot in Valley or equipment 376 4499 ISHING BOAT 26' Lwesay iberglas two 327 Chevy engines All OMC out dirves debit depthfinder new trim tabs VH CB skates ganions bouys anchors rigged for halibut Call evenings Thurs thru Sunday 337 1193 keep trying MONARK 60x18' aluminum catamaran service vessel wwheel house crew quarters power winch hydrolic crane large deck space twin 8V71 GMC engines w16" jacuzzi iets 1 engine 0 time survey at 160000 re placement 330000 Will sell at Whittier for $97500 Contact 276 1823 Boats Commercial 807 Aircraft 810 COMMERCIAL LONG LINER 42 ft Insulated refrigerator hole 19 net tun diesel engine radar Loran $90000 terms 344 0708 1971 34' Commercial Marine Cedar over oak Isusu diesel Radar Loran flasher chart recorder AD VH 2 CB's stereo amfm aluminum rig ging skiff Appraised $59800 sacrifice $36500 252 5301 COMPLETE COOK INLET drift permit BOAT PACKAGE Ltd Entry permit32' boatall gear and accesso OOP Call 333 5433 DUCKWORTH 22 ft boat Ex cellent condition New custom made top Asking $19300 Call 243 4440 or eves 345 1025 Commercial ishing 808 BBSN PERMIT for sale or trade on house or land 745 7167 BRISTOL BAY 2 Copenhagen Creek set net sites with one permit 224 5669 2 BRISTOL Bay Set Net Per mits 4 Bristol Bay Set Net sites 2 cabins on acre complete fishing gear Will sell seperate 563 6617 BRISTOL BAY set net site (east side) permit gear Ready for immediate transfer 745 7797 after 5pm ALASKA DIESEL JQSk S62 2222 I2WWS! BgEL Int'l Airport Rd BUOYS OR SALE $15 $17 $20 248 4248 CANADIAN style shrimp pots 42 strand webbing Mild steel $38 each Stainless steel $42 each Call Mike at 561 2583 2 COOK INLET drift permits and boats Separately or pack ages Call 262 9218 COOK INLET SET NET PERMIT $14500 cash 272 7274 DEMO Big Water 22' double hull skiff unsinkable twin 50 hp Mercs reduced for quick sale 235 8047 or All Your Commercial ishing Needs LUMMI ISHERIES SUPPLY Net Hanging Available243 5787 OR SALE Bristol Bay Set Net Permit Net cabin 1 185's Honda 1 Heald Haul running line Will consider lot wtrailer as part payment $52500 776 8495 OR SALE: Commercial ish ing Permit $17000 Kotzebue Sound (Salmon) (907)442 3519 REEZER VANS (17) 20 feet In Dillingham Good condition $4500 a piece Call 243 4440 LOWER YUKON SALMON per mit $23500 boat nets also available Write PERMIT PO Box 8111 Ward Cove Ak 99928 ORDER your new Uroko gill nets Complete line of salmon gear available Nets hung to your specs Meier Enterprises 349 5515 after 3pm PWS seine package boat per mit new seine block lead all accessories ready to fish New hatchery will double invest ment in 4 years $170000 Cali 276 0898 or 277 5010 REDDEN NETADAMS ENT commercial ishing Supplies Alaska Miracle Strand Nets 277 3337 SET NET fish site with 3 per mits 3 miles south of Clam Gulch 2B3 7935 after 6 Set Net Operation Cook Inlet west side limited entry permit 6 sites State shore lease skiff motors com plete gear ready to fish Beau tiful location $60000 345 0861 SKIPPER POWER TROLLER New permit holder seeks re sponsible mature congenial individual experienced south east troll and longline Excel lent boat and crew share Call (907) 345 5115 ext 842 (leave message) TEMCO 10" fishpump Excel lent cond Asking $15000 but will take best offer 243 4440 TOGIAK Herring seine (1) Brand new In Dillingham on grounds ready for use $10500 Call 243 4440 VOLVO PENTA DIESELS Alaska Diesel Electric 1200 Int'l Airport 562 2222 WANTED: marine manifolds heat exchangers for 8 V71 die sel engines 349 5534 let it ring ALASKA AIR ACADEMY New owners new management Stop by and see us for flight instruciton and plane rentals Ask us about our special pri vate pilot package See our pilot shop new items ariving daily 276 1194 277 1194 2301 Merril field Dr ALASKA AIR EXCHANGE SingleMulti Turbine Aircraft Sales AppraisalsConsignments 3400 Int'l Airport Rd Suite 216 243 2152 or 337 9734 ALASKA AIR EXCHANGE '83 152 1300 TT SMOH wleasebacks '83 152 2000 TT wleaseback '83 172 IR 295 TT with leasebacks '46 Craft 465 TT wEDO's $11 5K '48 Luscombe 1989 TT 795 SOH skis $7500 OBO '67 172 2990 TT 900 SOH $11 5K '78 182 890 TT '76 182 520 TT '83 206 480 TT wAmphibs $129 5K '76 206 1622 TT clean $25 5K '77 206 2234 TT 703 SOH Robertson IR '79 206 1375 TT wEOD'S King $445K OBO '83 206 110 TT S89K '75 206 2750 TT 350 SOH its $45K 74 172 IR 1200 STOH Make offers '55 PA 18 150 100 SRM wheel skis S255K OBO '52 PA 18 150 loaded wfits skis Make offers '81 208 2200 TT 230 SRM King $55K OBO '48 PA 14 loaded skis fits Make offer '57 175 clean make offer '69 210 500 SMOH clean $24 5K OBO '75 Cam RG 1360 TT Make offer '80 206 430 SMOH IR Robertson whiplines $75K '67 206 wEDO'S 900 SMOH $38 5K '82 206 500 TT wwhipline amphibs $105K '80 206 430 TT $555K OBO '80 206 300 TT $545K OBO '81 185 120 TT wPK 3500C $83 5K '69 207 2 ea fish hauler Make offer DHC 2 4 ea wfits Moos $85K DHC 3 2ea wfits $118K DAYS: 243 2152 EVES: 337 9734 EVES: 349 7209 ALASKA AIR EXCHANGE '69 SC 7 Good Condition wfin DC 4 Carvair cargo hauler Make offers King Air A 90 20 midtime trade DHC 6 100 200 300 to your specs 4 each Navajo pressurized 250 SMOH plush $95K OBO '78 Chieftan call for details '74 Chieftan call for details 50 Beech midtime offers Call us for our listings on shares certificates 135 ops and if you wish to be on our mailing program ALASKA AIR EXCHANGE DAYS: 243 2152 EVES: 337 9734 EVES: 349 7209 APA AC Maintenance ANNUAL INSPECTIONS LOAT GEAR CHANGES LOAT REPAIRS MODS AC LIT SERVICE AC REPAIRS 8 MODS CESSNA UEL CELL MODS LOAT PLANE TIE DOWNS WITH IN OUT LIT SERVICE WIPLINE LOAT SALES SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN Cessna Beavers Helios ULL SEA PLANE BASE SERVING YOUR AVIATION NEEDS AMERICAN PACIIC AVIATION 4620 AIRCRAT DR 243 3966 Lake Hood APA Aircraft SalesService Sailboats 809 Anchorage Community College SAILING COURSES! Beginning Intermediate Ad vanced Start April 19 3 4 day cruises on Resurrection Bay 248 4635 for information 18' CONCORDIA sloop boat gaff rig yellow cedar on oak copper fastened Top condition 8 well found 35 hp outboard trailer $6000 Leave message for Bruce at 235 7193 ERICSON 25 Good condition sleeps 4 well equipped 4 sails $17500 276 5121 day 274 2788 evening ERICSON YACHTS Investment opportunities avail able The Golden leece Yacht Company Call us for brochures and information unraveling IRS requirements 562 3929 PILOTHOUSE SLOOP 41' Downeaster Cruiser Radar dual stations manv extras Will trade equity for real es tate 345 7481 31' Piver A Tri $5500 248 4238 eves TEMPEST Tri Maran 33' 75 complete lots of equip $8500 OBO Terms avail 376 0181 WANTED: herring gill nets trailer for 24' flat skiff 338 1645 15' West Wight Potter wsails trailer excellent condition very stable pocket cruiser $4000 OBO 688 9276 eves Aircraft 81 0 See first run "AIRCRAT" list ings in Early Birds in today's News Section Aerial Outfitters Aircraft Maintenance 277 2088 2425 Merrill ield Dr AIRCRAT HANGAR goes with this 3 BR home I Wasilla 376 2227 ALASKA AIRMANS Last program of season SURVIVAL WUSA SGT Brian Horner REE to ALL Excellent end of season gift to community by airman 7:30 pm ACC aviation complex at Merril Wed April 3rd 1st come will be seated CESSNA BEAVER HELIO CONSIGNMENTS WANTED American Pacific Aviation 243 3966 Lake Hood APA Aircraft SalesService '78 206 loats $59500 '81 185 IR loats $81000 '56 180 loats $34000 '70 172 loats $24000 '76 172 loat Kit $16500 '78 152150 HP $22000 '70 150150 HP loats $24000 '76 Maule 5 235 loats $34500 '64 PA 30 Comanche Lease Backs Available A Tax Shelter Investment YOU CAN LY American Pacific Aviation 243 3966 Lake Hood AUTO PILOT for Cessna 206 $1000 OBO David Clark Helmet Head Set $150 OBO 562 6950 BAND saw mill portable saw your own lumber and two three sided house logs its into 185 206 or maule $4100 694 9144 or 688 3884 BEAVER Excellent DHC 2 TT 4551 120 SMOH 15 SPOH good paint 3 seats new struts fresh annual Collins complete records $38 5K delivery 243 2152 337 9734 BEAVER Otter Operators We have the tooling necessary to reskin and remanufacture your control services Some on exchange basis Sheldon 235 6789 ALASKA A9R ACADEHty fcglcf (907) 276 1194 1946 Cessna 140 Very clean 85 Escort 110 ELT wing engine covers Landis 2000 skis with teflon bottoms Rigged 800 6 tires $9800 262 5301 CESSNA 180 wings complete with flaps ailerons cables ready to hang S2750each will consider small tractor as part trade Misc other Cessna con trol services Sheldon 235 6789 Aircraft 810 150 1966 mid time King KX150B Xponder ELT STC auto gas $7350 OBO Call 277 5422 days or 243 2796 eves 150L '73 commuter exc cond ull Instrument panel Nice tight airplane $6600 OBO Call 276 2377 Cl 80 '68 float kit dual NAVCOM AD marker bea cons EGT 950 SMOH strobe wing tips long range tanks panfs Looks flies great $22500 337 2546 after 7pm 1968 182 Loaded N3339R 276 1944 Steve Wilbur 1973 185 1500 TT 0 SMOH 1975 185 623 TTAE 1979 185 900 TTAE 1981 185 310 TTAE 1975 206 1930 TT 425 SRM 1978 PA 18 Cub 550 TTAE LOWER 48 AIRCRAT NO DOWN INANCING OAC CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME LEASEBACKS AVAILABLE AVIATION NETWORK 276 7500 206 '77 206 703 SMOH '79 206 wEDOS '80 CT 206 SMOH '83 CT 206 wamphibs '67 206 wEDOS '75 206 wPK its '76 206 1622 TTAE it kit 25500 OBO or Complete in formation please call: 243 2152 or 337 9734 CESSNA 140 annual 90 STOH 800x6 Clevelands 8 Scott Covers Aero 2000 skis CI check out on purchase $1 0200skis $9500wheels 562 3409 CESSNA Hawk XP '79 Excel lent cond ull IR dual nav com AD XPDR encoding altimeter 8 many more extras 650 hr TT $31995 243 1741 1974 CESSNA 150 275 hours SMOH radios around 2000 hours TT very clean 376 4574 CESSNA 172 180 HP conversion constant soeed prop 182 gear Days 344 7423 after 6pm 333 4991 1947 Cessna 140 Lycoming 0 290 D2 engine Just majored New Ceconite cover on wings 300 NAV COM New Texas Aero in terior $14000 (208) 788 2287 CESSNA 182 712 SMOH new KX 155 Loran intercom wingtip strobes 206 nose gear 850 6 mains full covers 8 lots more $20000 OBO 345 6360 eves or leave message CESSNA 210 Turbo 600TT has everything but radar Call for appt 344 3043 8 5 After 5 wknds 243 3318 ask for Ron or Annette CESSNA Two 1982 Cessna 152's 1981 172XP 2400 floats 1982 17211 1398 TTAE 1977 206 1954 TT 373 SRM 1979 206 2120 TT 600 SRM 1980 206 625 TT 22 STO Roberts STOL loat kit 1981 210 228 TTAE 1979 Cherokee VI 920 TT 200 SMOH 1983 Moony 231 254 TTAE 1959 PA 18 Cub 90 HP skis floats Consignments Welcome No Down inancing OAC Leasebacks Available AVIATION NETWORK 276 7500 COMPLETE AIRRAME REBUILD Cessna wings control sur faces Competitive bids Big Lake Air Service 892 6433 CYL assy for 10520 OH new valves chrome std $750 248 3955 or beeper 268 8000 DHC 2 Kenmore Beaver on 4930 floats 800 SMOH engine oro peller $94500 789 9741 or 789 7818 DON'S AIRCRAT LEASING RENTAL 349 2035 EDO 2000 it PA 12 or 20 Clean and tight $8500 firm 745 6940 AIRBANKS PILOTS Aviation Network Is Here! And Open or Business 452 3599 AVIATION NETWORK LIGHT Instruction reasona ble rates available anytime even your airplane Call 338 4222 eves LY OR LESS Non profit flying club now forming light instructors will be available Interested parties call 346 2198 OR LEASE: Beach 18 on 7850 floats 2650 useful large cargo door crew door 789 9741 or 789 7818 GAR AERO TIRES RIMS Less Than 100 Hours $1200 745 3194 GENE BENDER AIRCRAT SALES 561 041 1 Buy Sell Consign Broker GOODYEAR air wheel tires 29x13x5 on Cleveland wheels $1300 2500 Landis skis rigged for PA18 $1000 tail feathers landing gear misc parts for PA12 Call 349 6789 after 4pm HARTZELL constant speed propeller for 150 160 hp Lycom ing 1st time overhaul Certi fied $2250 349 5942 8 5 wkdys 150 HP Lycoming engine 0 320 narrow deck 1500 SMOH 30 STOH Broken studs on 3 cyl inder No accessories $2000 OBO Call Mike 376 4888 days Anne 376 5193 eves INSULATED engine covers wing windshield and tail cov ers In stock for most aircraft Alaska Tent Tarp 5400 A St 562 2293 LEASEBACKS EXCELLENT TAX SHELTERS AVAILABLE OR SENECA II 7677 SENECA '80 '84 CESSNA 172 '80'84 CESSNA 152 OR MORE INO: 243 2152 337 9734 LOOKING for qualified flight instructor Part time or full time If interested call 262 3979 LUSCOMBE 8E 1600 TT 600 SMOH 85 cont 2 radios inter com head sets electric starter wheels skis covers $7900 563 5100 or 337 8166 LYCOMING AIRCRAT ENGINE 0 235 108 115 HP needs top overhaul 333 9908 MERRILL IELD HANGARS OPEN HOUSE SatSun Mar 23 24 9am 6pm Merrill ield Dr taxiway Port A Port NW 338 7816 200 MPH TWIN AERO COMMANDER SHRIKE 1360 TT Right 230 Left 0 fresh annual full IR Loran exc cond No de ice $110000 Consi der single in trade 456 5502 MULER for 172 wLyc new condition $250 248 3955 or beeper 268 8000 MUST SELL Pitts Special bi plane ully acrobatic Inverted fuel oil system Smoke canopy Red white sunburst Beautiful condition This aircraft has been performed at Gulkana Air Show $15000 OBO Willing to deal Call Doug at 733 2366 NEED ull time flight instructor 276 7500 ask for Ed Aircraft 81 0 Motorcycles 815 MAINTENANCE HARLEY Davidson 94" space AT 148 HP will trade for newer KETCHUM AIR WPor $8000 225 3248 eves '83 HARLEY SPORTSTER HANGAR LK HOOD Low mileage like new $3750 376 7732 SSTALIS GENERAL REPAIRS HO whole or parts Call 745 6358 243 5525 $5000 OBO 745 6358 Ask or Craig Ketchum I 7 7 1 I KI MAINTENANCE 75 Honda cfoprw) eng UAlll nor nr bored out 0 1 000 WPorsche MAULE M5 235 485 carbs mew motor $4500 TT full nanol kino OBO 349 2859 or 277 9656 ask II run panel King for Deveroux or Paula NAV COM'S AD I I THINKING 750? Xponder LR fuel like '82 Honda V45 Magna always new 2440 Edo floats garaged never dropped new zw cuu Tiodis Immaculate $2600 274 5122 very clean Sharp low see at the Motorcycle Shop 412 airjCraft $34'500 81 185CC trailbike 243 3966 days 344 0950 Excellent condition $595 OBO Call 243 2682 Mon Sat NOTIf HONDA '82 250R ATC Low 1 1 hours excellent condition $1100 OBO Call 274 6748 TO ALL HONDA 500CB 1972 4 cyl STUDENTS PILOTS end' INSTRUCTORS HONDA 1982 200 ATC with utilitiy trailer $1000 Before You Decide 745 5762 after 6Pm HONDA ATC 185 1980 IO fLY With rack $695 OBO GIVE US A TRY! 344 1147 or 344 6974 A ax HONDA '73 CB500 looks DISCOVER ALASKA runs good $600 OBO THE 563 2823 HONDA CB650 '81 Excellent AMERICAN PACIIC condition $1200 or best offer AVIATION WAY Please call 688 3994 after 6 PM HONDA CM400E '81 Asking $850 or Details Call 688 3797 243 3966 Lake Hood honda cr250R 1982 New electrical system new piston O290D rings great rec bike Good cond $775 OBO Days 564 0394 125 HP Lyc 1295 TT complete a5k for Kim or 344 8541 aft 6 runs excellent $1875 243 2152 HONDA '75 550 Electronic igni or 337 9734 tion new shocks tires battery paa $600 Call 349 5696 evenings and $500 weekends toU new mem: bers during the month of hrs rldin9 time 333 0424' APRIL ONLY C180 C170 HONDA 750 1974 Exc COndi loats wheels skis Lowest tion king queen seat head rates in town Call evenings ers' new battery 8 brakes $950 345 3164 345 3024 274 8325 OBO 337 4371 PA 18 90 HP HONDA Goldwing GL 1100 Skis wheels floats intercom with less than 4000 miles Has Extra set of tailfeathers Wing Honda ferring lowers back engine covers 900 SMOH rack adjustable seat and Lease back option possible more $3000 344 31 16 anytime $22500 Rick 248 4265243 8973 HONDA MA'GNA '84 PA 18 Left wing recovered Less than 1500 miles with Ceconite thru silver with $2995 337 2559 ot without aileron 344 3590 1983 HONDA 750 Shadow excel lent condition Low miles $2400 PA 18 Shock Units OBO After 6pm 248 6249 Stoddard AircraftParts Center jJBOCoke0''' 863 21 12 or eves 428 3528 hArJ8nAnPeS'5Ub HONDA TWINSTAR '82 Aiu CW2MT Exc cond Very low ade tor cTss' $26 oSo milea9e' Sil1 under warran'' $1000 OBO 344 9855 PA2220 180HP 740 SRM i NAV11 COM11 XP AD Ext iAmj venlnos wings strob Int aux A tank all covers Exc cond HONDA XL250 1975 outstand $18500 279 9835 ms condition luggage rack PA 18 150 150 hrs SMOH included S500 337 5716 excellent condition all Alaska HONDA XL250S '81 mods no DH $23000 firm EcelLent 688 2448 tion $1200 OBO 344 9855 1948 PA 16 108 Lyc 900 SMOH XL6CS KX150 full electric 5 gph 800 mles' pound payload $8500 376 4371 $1300 0 80 376 8023 after 6 PILOTISHI NG GUIDE 4 XL75 1977 Remote fishinghunting lodge street dirt bike runs good Mandatory experience in 206 279 9155 Cessna or equivalent Minimum HOUSE HARLEY 1000 hrs float time preferably NEW HOURS in Iliamna or Bristol Bay area 9am 7pm Mon Sat or details contact Chris Goll 4334 Spenard Rd Rainbow River Lodge 243 7894 248 5300 1983 INTERCEPTER PLANE BEAUTIUL Professional Aircraft KAWASAKI 550LTD 1982 Stripping and Painting excellent condition low mile 07A 1075 age $1650 333 9916 I 73 KAWASAKI KDX25O '84 Brand new $1695 SALE OR TRADE 378 acres 345 6064 w400' lake frontage on beauti KAWASAKI '83 KDX250 ex ful Loon Lake across Kache cellent condition $1200 OBO mak Bav from Homer $36000 0700433 or trade for Super Cub 185 or what have you 247 2228 days KAWASAKI KX125 82 or 247 8360 eves Better than new runs excek SHAW TRI LAKES AIRSTRip tor sale or will build to suit KAWASAKI KX125 1984 7 Excellent shape $1000 SNYDER wheel skis with Super Call 344 8985 Cub fittings Brand new never kawasaki 'bo used $2300 OBO 349 1046 eves aba 1977 Soloy Turbo Prop Cessna 248 4238 eves Prop Cessna AK' 1983 KX 12y Runs OAX nft UUhiritina omriMke CXC ClC8n dS HCW $800 1984 $244375 amphlbs' KX 250 exc cond $1100 Must 1983 Soloy Turbo Prop Cessna se as 206 $234875 KAWASAKI '80 KZI000 great Demonstrations to qualified condition 4000 miles 1 owner buyers Call Bob Hites Soloy helmet extras $1600 Leave Conversion Ltd 376 3444 or message 338 2727 or after 6 pm 745 7528 KAWASAKI '82 LTD 440 SUPER CUB PA 18 150 tundra $700 tires heavy duty landing gear 279 7228 Dave extended baggage hydrolic KAWASAKI 1980 550 LTD wheel skis 250 hours TT excel exc cond low mileage 2 hel lent condition maintenance rnets $1700 OBO after 4pm records 276 2505 ask for Bill 337 1941 hanger ready for occupancy KAWASAkT LTD 1000 '81 at Birchwood $8500 Call Like new $2500 694 5875 349 2477 Tax Shelters In Aviation KAWASAKI LTD 900 '76 Low Call Don Moore 276 7500 miles needs cosmetic work AVIATION NETWORK 39:2634 TI KAWASAKI '81 LTD 440 wnur cftZrl ftL hoMro 4400 miles Runs great $980 Get your space now before oxi oiqr Merrill ield construction be gins and our spaces are all full KAWASAKI 1000 LTD 1981 4000 North Shore Lake Hood close miles showroom condition to strip 5340 Lakeshore Drive must sell now $1900 276 2377 243 6500 or 248 6914 KAWASAKI Zl 1000 '78 4500 TUNDRA TIRES miles dean bike $2600 Airstreak 30x13x6 Brand new 344 6568 after 6pm $2500 243 0071 1984 KTM 125 excellent condi TUNDRA tires wwheels 8 tion Must sell Many extras brakes 25x11x4 1 pr 800x6x4 $1000 OBO After 6pm 248 6249 wwheels 8 brakes $1000 Days KTM 504 376 6761 745 7676 eves Very clean bike $1600 WANTED Call Mark 563 7168 clean Cessna 182 Skylane '83 KX500 Kawasaki all '84 333 7757 improvements wheel swing WANTED: Cub borer climb arm etc 2 extra cyl 1 Hoff prop OR SALE: Beaver skis man ported cyl Bqyesen 8 8 tundra tires MAKE OER Mosbarger reeds set up for Call Joe 349 6681 or 243 5092 Mx or Ice rode by slow old wamtcA 7j man fresh throughout $995 WANTED for 0200 Cont: 74 75 77fl4 propellor and oil filter adapter 345 7784 688 3750 KZ1100 1983 shaft drive excel wAMTcn ik eLiift Aft7ftA lent condition with fairings MrtTmSrt 44A4 IM Al 9 parts model n6A4 165 B3 Call 344 8404 anytime KZ1300 '80 WANTED: 0 300 or 143 a Continental or similar 8 5 or 349 6763 150 or 160 engine 248 6518 MOTORCYCLE HELMET Esprit full face wshield silver WASILLA PILOTS color $30 344 5955 Cessna 152's Cessna 172's MOTORCYCLE available for rent instruction 78 Kawasaki 400 deluxe $750 141 approved flight school Call obo 277 1256 376 4640 for information AVIATION NETWORK 750 SHADOW 3500 Miles windshield $2500 349 1086 SUPER PRE SEASON DEAL '83 CB1100 Honda Very low mileage street bike with fair MnMrAvrlae ing New $3900 sacrifice $2795 MOlOrCyCIOS I call 688 3891 or 688 3689 KINGOTHE ROAD 85 200X New StOO 748 4797 EXCELLENT CONDITION BE READY OR SUMMERI JET BLACK COMPLETE VERY AST AIRING 8 ARAI HELMET 1982 Yamaha 650 TURBO only MACHINE IS ROAD READY 17 shipped to Alaska only 780 $3500 CALL 694 7518 very careful miles Cost new $5500 Sell tor $3500 OBO Will rinditinn Si hn take i cellent condition $1000 OBO MIKE WALTERS Call 274 4291 279 0780 SUZUKI DR100 '82 BMW 1007 A beautiful 1000 cc full dress 246 fves' touring bike Met black wgold SUZUKI GN125 street bike '82 pin stripe Perf cond price Electric start Very good condi $3975 Serious inquiries only tion $750 349 2792 Steve 745 1286 SUZUKI '83 GS 550E Mint BMW R90S '74 good condition cond Under 4000 miles New custom paint 8 seat front fork $3200 asking $2200 243 6199 stabilizers hd rear stabilizers SUZUKI RM '84 150 miles double plugged $3500 346 3459 exc cond $975 or trade tor PHOTO AD IN APRIL 5 Enduro 344 2422 work Home EDITION AUTOINDERI 562 5775 COMMUTER BIKE full Size SUZUKI 750 1973 1983 Yamaha 50cc 800 miles Watercooled with fairing $600 $500 345 1233 or trade Call 562 2193 '82 KZ1000 TRIALS '83 SWM 350 3000 miles $2750 Jumbo trick $1800 561 8288 OBO 376 5602 HARLEY Davidson '80 Sports TRIUMPH Bonneville '66 ter New paint tires brakes Chopper long low 8 lean rings carb $2500 337 6103 $1000 OBO 562 2193 8 5 HARLEY Davidson Low Rider V45 MAGNA '83 1962 Excellent condition low 2700 miles Super clean $3000 mileage $5500 562 7612 or best offer Call 688 2289 Motorcycles 81 5 '80 185 3 WHEELER $800 Call Russ at 344 4295 or 349 5267 YAMAHA 1976 500CC $550 OBO 349 7097 YAMAHA DX 225 '83 Low Hours $1500 349 2477 YAMAHA 1979 175 Enduro $500 or trade 688 4136 YAMAHA IT 175 1978 Runs good $400 Call Ivan at 243 2891 YAMAHA '81 650 Maxim New tires brakes Rebuilt trans mission $1100 278 1945 YAMAHA 750 mint condition silver shaft drive 2500 miles $2500 344 7217 eves '77 YAMAHA RD400 Needs minor work $350 561 0500 anytime YAMAHA '82 SECA 750 new only 1000 miles shaft drive $2050 345 3158 YAMAHA '78 750 Special shaft drive $1200 OBO 243 8306 YAMAHA 850 SDGCial 1980 Shaft drive new tires low miles showroom condition $1850 248 3207 YAMAHA XS11 Special '79 Vetter wstereo Beautiful bike 14000 miles $2000 688 3960 Snowmachines 820 ALUMINUM tilt snowmachine trailer $250 Please call 346 1357 '78 ARCTIC Cat Cheetah '76 John Deere 340 liquid cooled '76 Polaris 250SS All in good shape running cond $975 for all 3 344 2498 or 349 6161 ARCTIC CAT '85 El Tigre AS $3500 OBO Call 349 4504 days 745 7392 after 6pm '81 ARTIC CAT Kitty Cat showroom condition $350 '79 Kitty Cat perfect shape $300 248 7836 ARTIC Cat panther 1984 With double wide trailer 440 CC engine Safari rack tow hitch ice kleats cover $2850 337 4371 '76 ARTIC CAT 440 Runs great $475 '73 Skidoo 250 Elan twin excellent shape $325 248 7836 HYSTER Gas forklift good cord Make offer 279 7377 '77 JOHN DEERE 440 Show room condition $625 '73 Skidoo 340 runs looks great $428 Call 248 7836 MERCURY 440SR '74 Runs looks good $350 338 1645 '75 Mercury 400 CC runs good $600 or best offer 345 7085 POLARIS INDY 600 New 250 miles Immaculate Must sell $3000 OBO Call Brad 248 0989 or 276 2525 POLARIS '76 Tub handle bars gas tank front suspen sion elec harness $100 OBO 337 7384 1976 POLARIS TX340 Runs looks good $550 OBO 337 7384 POLARiS TX 340 '76 Speced to '79 Good condition $700 Call 562 5387 RUPP 360CC Excellent condition $475 OBO 349 6840 SKIDOO '80 5500 Blizzard runs strong $1000 277 0891 SKI DOO Citation '81 Good cond cover hot grips $900 345 0243 SKIDOO ormula Plus and ormula MX 1985 $2500 each Call 562 5391 SKIDOO '82 5500 MX Blizzard Exc condition Runs great Ex fra parts $1200 080 337 4263 SKI DOO Safari '84 Top condi tion cover hot grips low miles $1800 345 0243 SNOWMOBILE business Inven tory for sale Owner relocating has reduced price to 254 on the dollar to move Immediate ly Call 694 5035 for info SUZUKI Snow machine runs as 279 7377 WANTED: Old snow machines running or not Will pick up Call 694 2426 Motorhomes 825 10x60 2 BR V2 BA mobile home Washerdryer: Trade for class A motorhome 376 0589 ALLEGRO '84 27' split bath rear bed microwave BBQ ra dial tires AMM cassette 9700 miles $35500 346 1883 daysweekends CHAMPION 76 24' class A 17000 miles self contained Good condition $11000 243 5803 CHAMPION '73 24' 41000 miles good mechanical condi tion $5750 345 6932 CHAMPION '79 26' 28000 miles air reg gas exc cond $15500 Chugiak 688 4014 CHINOOK 1973 23' Dodge 360 45000 miles rear cargo doors for snow machines motorcy cles etc $7500 688 3382 COACHMAN '84 35' 5th wheel like new condition Priced for quick sale at $15800 279 0852 COACHMAN motorhome 79 20' Excellent condition Nu merous features Low miles $15000 Call 337 2829 Converted motorhome over $10000 invested must see to appreciate $6000 OBO 892 6700 DODGE 1973 18 ft sleeps 6 Good condition $5500 OBO Call 333 5290 DODGE Midas 78 20' sleeps 6 20000 mi air reg gas exc cond $12000 688 4014 Chugiak 74 EXPO WINNEBAGO 318 engine 7 new tires new dual exhaust very clean extra storage space $10000 OBO 562 0452 SEE PHOTO AD IN APRIL 5 ISSUE AUTOINDER! 28' Harvest Motorhome 440 Dodge engine low miles load ed woptions $33500 Will con sider small Cat as part pymt SR Box 30 Valdez AK 99686 SEE PHOTO AD IN APRIL 5 ISSUE AUTOINDER! ITASCA 1985 Windcruiser 28' beautiful new design $45000 Take pickup car jeep or air plane in trade 333 7757 JAMBOREE 1983 23' ord 460 very plush loaded full size bed in rear immaculate condl tlon $26500 OBO 349 8376 1981 Jamboree 23' Sleeps 6 dinette couch rear bath Qhevy chassis Asking $21500 428 0741 LE SHARO '84 PERECT VEHICLE OR ALASKAN RECREATION Sleeps 4 air conditioned turbo diesel WD 23 mpg TV antenna shower 4 extra studded radial tires Extra excellent condition Call 783 2560 anytime $21000 '81 LINDY Mini 23' every op tion excellent condition $21000 276 4558 lv msg MINI MOTORHOME 1984 Toyota 21' 6000 miles sleeps 4 excellent condition $17500 345 3988 MOTOR HOME consignments for rental fleet needed If you have a motor home and you are not using it why not let it make money for you Call Travel Camp 563 4222 dayseves MURPHY'S RV Rental sales MONITOR By Holiday Rambler Corp New 1985 units CORNER STH INGRA Where price and value matter Call 276 0688 today Motorhomes 825 NEW Horizon Toyota Mini Mo tor home '85 up to 20 mpg self contained sleeps 4 at from $18395 561 0137 PACE Arrow '81 28'j' gener ator air new Michelins dual gas tanks and all other op tions exc cond $26500 OBO or will consider trade 338 3253 SACRIICE 78 EXECUTIVE II 28 ft Motorhome low mi com pletely loaded truly immacu late Only $31500 Picture on request (403)973 6831 SEE PHOTO IN MARCH 22 ISSUE AUTOINDER SPECIAL like new 800x19'? snow tires for motorhome Very little use Buy now for next winter 4 for $300 344 2041 SPORTSCOACH III 83 30 ft Rear double bed fully loaded Incl awning mag wheels low miles Book value $60000 plus sell $49500 Call 279 0852 TIOGA Arrow '84 43000 miles like new double bed cruise control auto air many extras $28000 Call 745 2601 TIOGA 76 23 ft RB mini Dodge chassis 50K miles in good cond $10500 279 0852 TOYOTA Dolphin 77 motor home 34000 miles 17 mpg Top shape $7500 Call 274 6218 HAUL WANTS TO RENT YOUR MOTORHOME OR YOU CALL MARTY 561 2266 VOGUE 79 35' Classic motor coach (limited edition) Bkfst nook ice maker bar AC 6500 generator micro TV and much more Like new $51000 Call 243 1741 VW CAMPER van 1971 Pop top sink ice box New clutch 8 engine Extra tires 8r rims Good condition $1950 345 4777 1975 WINNEBAGO BRAVE Class A 21' excellent cond Low ml $11500 344 8328 WINNEBAGO Brave 79 27 ft Class A bunkhouse ully load ed Low miles $20000 243 2496 WINNEBAGO Brave 1975 24' 440 engine new tires like new $11000 563 7593 WINNEBAGO Class A 22' bunkhouse '84 Must sell Low miles Excellent shape $5000 below new cost 694 6311 Campers Shells 828 ALASKA TENT TARP Wall Tents Treated Untreated In Stock Hiking family tents by Eureka We service what we sell Tent repairs zipper re placements 5400 A Street 562 2293 CAB OVER camper semi con tained good shape must sell $595 561 8765 CABOVER CAMPER '83 7' propane stove oven elec tric or propane refrigfreezer $3500 274 0360 CAB OVER CAMPER 77 Stove refrig sleeps 4 $700 Call 248 0188 812' CAMPER CARAVELLE Call for Information 243 2453 after 7 PM CAMPER or long bed $150 561 0593 CAMPER SHELL aluminum insulted paneled lights for short bed full size truck $100 OBO 349 4297 CAMPER SHELL 8' paneling $250 243 4695 CAMPER sleeps 6 good shape $1000 277 0891 CAMPER TRAILER Small $700 Call 337 4851 cab heighth fits full size LB PU insulated white fiberglass new cond $750 248 3955 or beeper 268 8000 CANOPY fits full size short bed ord PU wdouble bed and cabinets $400 248 9254 eves 786 3450 days CAP for 8 ft bed Black alumi num vent windows good condi tlon $350 OBO Call 688 2626 CHEVY PU 74 Winnebago 10la' cabover camper $3500 Eves 338 2883 Days 552 3351 SEE PHOTO IN MAR 22 ISSUE AUTOINDERI! CHEVY 73 ton 4X4 excel lent cond with completely re modeled 10' camper Nice rig $4200 694 2568 'til 9pm OR sale ull size camper shell 8' excellent shape $450 Also one each small economy pick up shell camper for long bed Good shape $35 Call John at 333 6561 ORD 250 '83 Super Cab 4x4 XLT capt chairs 15K miles '84 Coachman truck camper loaded Both like new $18500 279 0852 ORD '2 ton '81 6 cylinder overdrive 36" camper shell with slide in bunk stove sink Many extras Excellent condition $7495 OBO 694 9043 ORD ton pickup with Winnebago camper Older units but look good every thing works Excellent deal for a handy person $2500 Call 346 2078 after 10 AM "OUR WHEEL" 9' pop up camper with window boot pro pane stove heater sink Sleeps 4 $1950 694 5824 GOLDLINE 1971 truck camper $300 OBO 376 2112 SLEEPER for pickup Insulated wired $550 08 0 688 2276 SMALL slide in camper fits any shortbed small pickup exc cond $550 243 5093 TOYOTA CHINOOK 75 Runs well Below blue book $4500 Call 346 3382 Vans 830 CHEAPIES '69 Riviera $195 74 Laguna $495 76 Monza $495 76 Rabbit $995 76 Olds SW $995 78 Maverick $1495 76 Valient $1495 GOLD RUSH AUTO 274 6545 CHEV 30 VAN 1975 350 en gine auto trans good shape no rust radial tires $6500 561 2485 1977 CHEVROLET step van auto 10000 gwt dual wheels woverload springs DESPERATE Must sell beautiful 1984 Chevy custom van loaded wextras oak trim AC amfm cass stereo velvet seats built in ice chest closet must see Sell ing at pay off approx $15000 279 6849 1973 CHEVY Custom 30 van with box 8x7x12 roll up doors extra fuel tank good condition 563 3200 8am 5pm 1979 CHEVY CUSTOM VAN 1 ton PS PB AT AMM cassette custom wheels win dows 4 captain chairs $6500 248 3440 SEE PHOTO IN MARCH 22 ISSUE AUTOINDER! CHEVY CUSTOM 30 Van 1973 with box 8x7x12 wroll up doors extra fuel tank good cond 563 3200 8am 5pm CHEVY '79 excellent condi tion low mileage black AT pd pb ac cruise Ice box sink table captain's chairs amfm cassette CB Turbo Mags spare snows regular gas $6995 346 3615 CHEVY ton van conversion '83 Only 1 like it in Alaska Computer ACDC refrlg AM cassette cruise AC alarm lighted boards rack ladder hard spare cover trail er towing pkg 22000 miles In perfect condition All white Western wheels snow tires $13500 Call for appt 688 3960 Vans 830 cMbVY 76 van black gold wmags 11 passenger looks runs good $1750 274 6545 Dlr CHEVY van 74 Reconditioned motor Asking $1650 OBO 276 3714 or 277 6346 aft 5 CHEVY VAN 1977 34 6 cyl at runs decent Body good good work truck $2500 OBO Cali after 5 pm 243 1652 CHEVY VAN 1975 ton Auto trans $1000 344 8557 CHEVY VAN 1972 1 ton set up for contractor w300 com mercial ladder racks New ra dials new brakes runs excel lent 350 w4 barrel $700 cash 694 8451 CHEVY VAN 1977 ton 8 $1500 694 4574 1979 cube van excellent condi tion Insulated carpeted snow tires inc 12' box asking $7000 OBO 344 6101 "CUSTOM VAN" '79 Chevy ton redgold 4 capt chairs and sofa sleeper ice box CB AM cassette overhead console running boards radials New cond $10500 279 0852 DODGE bubble top camper van 3 burner stove with oven refrigerator furnace sink ta blebed AMM cassette stereo air shocks trailer hitch Completely rebuilt engine Re built transmission New brakes New fires No rust New paint Excellent condition $4500 or best offer 338 1972 DODGE cargo van '82( 3 speed woverdrive insulated pa nelled ton w1 ton suspen sion $7000 OBO Call 688 2956 after 6 DODGE CUBE VAN 1979 good condition snow tires custom ized Interior insulated carpet ed Best offer 344 6101 or 338 3306 DODGE Custom Van 76 Must to see to appreciate $3000 OBO 349 2460 after 6pm DODGE 79 window 8 pass AT 318 V8 excel bodymech cond 32000 mi $5950 243 1894 DODGE ton Sport van 77 8 auto heater 4 snow4 street radials $1800 337 3105 DODGE 1979 1 ton van wroof racks body clean interior fit ted wtool cabinet parts rack am radio must sell $3000 0 6 0 561 0593 DODGE Van 1971 Good en gine 4 new tires $800 Contact Mel at 243 5004 DODGE VAN 1973 Good cond $1500 272 2988 DODGE VAN 73 great shape new brakes sunroof extras $1500offer 248 6658 anytime DODGE VAN 1972 New re built engine good body Asking $2200 349 1991 and 349 5551 DODGE 75 van slant 6 rebuilt engine exc cond good tires $1000 firm 376 7874 or 376 3488 DODGE 72 window van mint Arizona body resh slant 6 727 torque flight exhaust brakes rubber bedseat combo 1200 OBO 333 1976 eves DODGE 79 window van 39K ml exc cond rear heat ps pb at $6000 688 4014 ORD E100 76 customized for camping excellent condition $2500 745 5681 ORD '82 150 van 6 cylinder 4 speed overdrive PS PB AMM cassette deck custom ized Interior $6000 OBO 248 5751 ORD Econoline Van 1966 240 engine runs great $750 OBO 345 0402 ORD '84 factory custom 150 Ecorroline 12000 miles dual tanks lots of options tl3500 Call 694 4635 after 6pfi ORD 1974 High Cube 12' with roll up door New studded 8 highway tires all items to convert to motorhome in 30 min $3500 277 3790 ORD 34 1979 Chateau win dow van 9 pass Ps pb am fm cassette stereo ac cc tilt cloth seats good rubber immac 69000 miles $5000 OBO 745 4089 ORD VAN 77 Good cond $1850 OBO 344 2422 work Home 562 5775 ORD Van 73 $700 Queen size waterbed $200 Stereo $150 562 5603 ORD VAN 1972 Runs good $800 OBO 349 3646 ORD VAN '69 1 ton at 73 engine trans runs great $850 688 3797 ORD Chev work vans 1 ton 75 78 bodies fair all run 6 left Contact Ben Alexander 8 5 338 6869 or 6 8 349 1859 All offers considered GMC 77 1 TON VAN LONG 350 AT PS PB Exc shape $2500 OBO 337 7757 STEP VAN 1983 350 ord low mlg (10000) Like new insulated box wbuilt ln racks $12950 Days 376 7567 eves 376 2440 VW Camper Bus 78 Pop top gas heater 4 studded snow tires exc cond $5000 694 5367 VW Combi Bus 78 gas heater 8 good tires $2200 Dick 272 3567 (W) or 243 3946 (H) VW Vanagon '82 Westfalia camper diesel great gas mile age excellent condition ex tras! $10500 OBO 338 4060 Pick Ups 835 A GOOD BUY 4x4 '81 Chevy pickup wshell $8400 278 1975 after 5 or wknds CAMARO 1969 Excellent project car $1100 firm 333 8838 CHEV LUV 1977 18 4 cyll4 speed MT Excel body mech cond 21000 mi $2950 243 1894 CHEVY Luv 72 with 1982 engine New clutch Good tires $1000 OBO 8 6 561 5313 evenings 688 4190 HOT 75 Chevy 34 ton 4WD New motor transmission transfer case $3000 OBO Call 349 2859 or 277 9656 Deveroux or Paula NO RUST NO DENTS '80 Chevy PU 6 cyl ton dual tanks AT PS PB camp er shell Exc running condi tion Very clean $4800 694 7801 CHEVY Cheyenne 1981 4WD 45000 mi With custom top PS PB MAM 2 16 gal gas tanks Alaska heat pkg Best offer over blue book 337 9554 or 338 3580 CHEVY Cheyenne ton pick up 73 with extra tires $1995 or best offer 344 9855 CHEVY 1981 diesel twin tanks cruise control $5500 Call 272 2767 anytime CHEVY LUV 77 canopy exc body and mechanical cond stereo new parts only 43000 mi Asking $2500 688 3755 CHEVY LUV 79 Low mHes extras very sharp $2400 OBO may trade for car 345 0975 CHEVY Luv Pickup 1978 Step Side low mileage New head gasket $1795 563 7664 CHEVY 71 needs clutch $300 OBO Call Koke at 863 2112 or eves 428 3528 CHEVY 72 newly rebuilt cab over camper $2500 333 0140 or 333 1944 CHEVY PICKUP '81 $2000 337 6883 CHEVY pickup 73 in restor ing process Must sell New fenders reskinned doors com pletely rebuilt front end new 400 transmission with shift kit new rebuilt strong 454 Over $4500 Invested first $2800 takes all Call 248 1481 after 6pm CHEVY Pickup 70 $600 561 3131 or 274 8770 CHEVY Pickup 1977 ton runs good good work truck $1295 Call 753 3483 CHEVY PICKUP 76 4x4 with plow $3600 345 2136.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.