Authorising an agent to deal with your tax affairs (2025)

This guide covers authorising paid agents such as a professional accountant or tax advisor. There’s a different way to appoint a friend or relative to deal with HMRC on your behalf.

How to authorise an agent

Your agent will tell you how they want you to authorise them.

Depending on which tax services you and your agent use, there are different ways to give your agent authority, including:

  • the digital handshake — where your agent sends you an email with a link

  • online agent authorisation ­— where your agent submits a request to HMRC, we then send you a letter with an authorisation code and you give the code to your agent

  • through your Business tax account for certain taxes — after you’ve registered for the tax and added it to your Business tax account

  • paper forms ­— ‘Authorising your agent 64-8’ form

Check a list of the all the ways to authorise a agent for the tax services you need.

You’ll still be legally responsible for your own tax

If your agent submits your tax return, you must check the information and let them know it’s correct, before they submit it to us.

If you’re an agent

You’ll be asked for your 6-digit Self Assessment,PAYEor Corporation Tax agent code.If you do not have one, get an agent code or reference number when you register and get authorised as a tax agent to deal with HMRC.

What an authorised agent can do on your behalf

Self Assessment

If authorising your agent for Self Assessment purposes, your agent can:

Your agent can also access your Self Assessment details, such as your:

  • name

  • address

  • National Insurance number

  • Unique Taxpayer Reference

Before you authorise an agent you must first register for Self Assessment. If you already have a Self Assessment account you can use the 64-8 form to authorise an agent.


By authorising your agent in the Register and maintain a trust online service your agent will gain access to the personal and financial information for your trust.

The ‘Authorising your agent (64-8)’ authority will not provide your agent with access to the online service. Find out more about authorising an agent to access the trust.

Individual PAYE

By submitting ‘Authorising your agent 64-8’ form for Individual PAYE purposes, your agent can access:

Corporation Tax

By submitting ‘Authorising your agent 64-8’ formfor Corporation Tax purposes, your agent will:

  • gain access to your company and financial information

  • be able to update the company communication and contact details

Find out more about Corporation Tax.

Tax credits

By submitting ‘Authorising your agent 64-8’ formfor tax credits purposes, your agent will gain access to your personal and financial information relating to your Tax Credit claim. They can act on your behalf but cannot receive payments. Correspondence will still be sent to you.

For joint tax credit claims, both claimants need to sign this form to authorise your agent.


By submitting ‘Authorising your agent 64-8’ form for VAT purposes, your agent can (in writing or by telephone only):

  • discuss your VAT with us

  • sign paper documents on your behalf

  • view, change and submit your VAT details

  • view your VAT payments and liabilities

  • cancel your VAT registration

  • appeal a late submission or late payment penalty

Your agent can also access your:

  • VAT registration details, such as your business and contact details

  • submitted VAT Returns

  • VAT Return calculations

  • amounts owed or paid

Construction Industry Scheme

By submitting ‘Authorising your agent 64-8’ form for Construction Industry Scheme purposes, your agent can access your returns, subcontractors’ income and deductions.

Find out more about the Construction Industry Scheme.

Employers’ PAYE

By submitting’ Authorising your agent 64-8’ form for Employers’ PAYE purposes, your agent will have access to your employees’ personal and financial information.

Find out more about Employers’ PAYE.

Complete form 64-8 Authorising your agent

Unless you can authorise an agent for a specific tax using an online service or the Business tax account, use form 64-8.

If you do not use the following instructions, it may cause errors and delay our response.

Follow these steps to avoid delay

Make sure that you:

  1. Use the latest version of the ‘Authorising your agent (64-8)’ form.
  2. Do not include a covering letter.
  3. Do not write outside the designated boxes on the form.
  4. Type or hand write clearly on the form.
  5. Only put the information we ask for in the form fields — do not add any extra details (for example, in the ‘Agent code (SA)’ field, only include the correct Self Assessment (SA) agent code, consisting of 6 characters 1111XX.
  6. Provide the correct agent codes for the relevant tax regimes, for example ‘PAYE XX1111’.

Download the form

Authorising your agent (64-8) form (PDF, 1.41 MB, 3 pages).

You need to:

  1. Download and save the form on your computer.

  2. Open it using the latest free version of Adobe Reader.

  3. Complete it on-screen.

  4. Print then sign the form.

  5. Post it to HMRC, using the postal address shown on the form.

Change or remove authorisation

Change or remove your tax agent’s authorisation if you no longer want them to manage your affairs.

Published 4 April 2014

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Authorising an agent to deal with your tax affairs (2025)


How do I authorise my agent? ›

Head over to HMRC online services website.
  1. Head over to HMRC online services website.
  2. Select business tax account from the menu bar.
  3. Choose Manage account from the business tax summary page.
  4. Scroll down to manage tax agents.
  5. Click to authorise an agent.

How to authorise an agent for MTD? ›

How to authorise your agent to deal with certain taxes on your behalf
  1. Sign up to each tax service you want the agent to deal with. You'll need a Government Gateway user ID to do this. ...
  2. Tell your agent that you've signed up to the tax services. ...
  3. Respond to the authorisation request from your agent.

How to authorise an accountant? ›

  1. Step 1: Set up your Digital Identity (myGovID) ...
  2. Step 2: Link your myGovID to your ABN. ...
  3. Step 3: Authorise others to act on your behalf (optional) ...
  4. Step 1: Log in to Online services for business. ...
  5. Step 2: Nominate Empower Accounting & Advisory as your Tax Agent.

What is agent authorisation? ›

This API allows tax agents to request authorisation to act on a client's behalf for a specific Making Tax Digital (MTD) tax service and have the option to cancel the authorisation request. The API also allows the agent to check the status of authorisations already requested and query active or inactive relationships.

How do I authorize an agent? ›

Authorized agents can either be business entities or individuals. Typically, to act on your behalf, an authorized agent must be physically located within the United States. To give an agent the power to operate in your stead, you would need to give them a written authorization or grant them power of attorney.

Who can act as an authorized agent? ›

Legally, anyone can be an authorized agent, such as a neighbor or grocery store cashier. They can also be an internal employee. By law, authorized agents do not need any licensing, qualifications or experience to complete an I-9 form on behalf of a company.

What is agent Authorisation form? ›

- skills assessment. This form is for skills assessment applicants who wish to authorise an agent to act on their behalf or revoke authorisation.

How do I comply with MTD? ›

To be MTD compliant, your chosen software must meet specific criteria. It should be capable of:
  1. recording and preserving digital records,
  2. submitting information and VAT returns directly to HMRC using their API platform, and.
  3. receiving relevant information from HMRC via the same API platform.

How do I know if my client is signed up for MTD? ›

Fortunately there is a way you can spot clients who have signed up provided the client is in your old GG listing. Log into your old GG account, go into VAT and load the client, go into Submit a Return. If the client is signed up for MTD it will tell you and there will be no option to submit a return.

How to give access to a tax agent? ›

To assign permissions to authorised users:
  1. Select Manage permissions.
  2. Select the user.
  3. Select the relevant permissions or Select all and Clear all buttons above the list.
  4. Select Save.

Can you say you're an accountant without a CPA? ›

A CPA is not the same as an accountant. An accountant is typically a professional who has earned a bachelor's degree in accounting. A CPA, or Certified Public Accountant, is a professional who has earned their CPA license through a combination of education, experience and examination.

Is it OK to give accountant access to bank account? ›

Bank Accounts: The answer to "Do bookkeepers have access to bank accounts?" is that it depends. You can choose to give your bookkeeper view only access to bank account. This allows them to monitor transactions and reconcile accounts without giving them the ability to move money.

What does authorized agent mean? ›

In most cases, an authorized agent is an independent contractor used for centralized credentialing; e.g., a credentials verification organization or hospital association.

Who is the authorizing agent? ›

Authorizing agent means a person legally entitled to authorize the cremation of human remains. Authorizing agent means a person who is legally entitled to order the cremation, disinterment or embalming of human remains pursuant to section 32‑1365.02.

What is agent authentication? ›

Securing the authenticity of the communication partners is essential to avoid attacks and eavesdropping. As a system administrator in charge of the security at your company, you can choose between three Agent authentication methods and thus define the level of security you want to apply.

How do you Authorising your agent in the CDS account? ›

Authorising your Agent in the CDS Account

You will need to select 'add agent', click on the relevant account and gives details including the EORI number of the forwarder and period you wish to grant authorisation for.

How do I Authorise an agent in IPONZ? ›

The authorisation of agent must contain the following information: The new agent's name and address for service; A statement of any limitation on the authority of the agent to act for the principal; and. Be signed by the principal and not the agent.

How long does agent Authorisation take? ›

Once you receive the code, tell your accountant, and this will complete the agent authorisation process. This usually takes a week or so. Make sure you let your accountant know asap, as each code has an expiry date – typically 30 days from issue.

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